Courses Master of Arts in School Leadership

Course Plan: 35 Credit Hours

Fall – Year 1

  • EDUC 6622 Educational Law
  • EDUC 5512 Introduction of Educational Research

Spring – Year 1

  • EDUC 5515 Models and Strategies in Instructional Leadership
  • EDUC 5532 Foundations of Curriculum Development
  • EDUC 6612 Practicum in Instructional Leadership

Summer – Year 1

  • EDUC 6606 School Leadership, Management, and Finance
  • EDUC 6640 Partnering with Parents and the Community
  • EDUC 5516 Practicum in Legal, Ethical, and Community Issues

Fall – Year 2

  • EDUC 5534 Assessment and School Improvement
  • EDUC 6642 Educational Leadership
  • EDUC 6643 Practicum in the Principalship

Spring – Year 2

  • EDUC 6612 Supervision in Education
  • EDUC 6680 Special Education Leadership
  • EDUC 6623 Practicum in Supervision

Summer – Year 2

  • EDUC 6688 Masters Comprehensive Exam

Course Descriptions

Introduction to Educational Research (3) (D)
This course is an introduction to educational research and descriptive statistics. Designed to assist the student in developing competencies in the various methods and strategies of educational research, including skills in the interpretation and evaluation of current research. Research that is conducted by school leaders to assess the effectiveness of the school community in achieving its desired mission (action research) will be an area of emphasis. The expected outcome of this course is that the student will apply research findings and implications in various school settings.

Models and Strategies in Instructional
Leadership (3) (S)
This course is an advanced study of human development patterns, birth through adolescence, with an emphasis on learning and instructional theories. Candidates will examine effective instructional strategies that include pre-assessment and assessment tools to determine adequacy of instructional approaches; the components of alternate instructional models, particularly in designing the curriculum to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities, English language learners, and students from diverse backgrounds, incorporating multicultural education in the curriculum. The role of the principal in leading and supporting teachers to implement student-centered instructional strategies is emphasized.

Practicum in Instructional Leadership  (1) (S)
This course is a structured, field-based experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school. This practicum requires a minimum of 50 clock hours designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for Standard 2 (Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth) and Standard 4 (Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community needs and interests, and mobilizing community resources).

Foundations of Curriculum Development (K–12) (3) (S)
This course examines social and psychological influences upon curricular design and implementation. Instructional models, and their supporting theoretical rationale; barriers to effective implementation of innovative curricula; alignment and systematic evaluation of educational curricula and programs will be examined. Emphasis is placed on understanding, creating, and evaluating comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and instructional P-12 school programs, including the study of the societal forces that affect school curriculum (particularly in designing the curriculum to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities and students from diverse backgrounds, as well as how to incorporate multicultural education in the curriculum).

Assessment and School Improvement (3) (F)
This course assists candidates in understanding and promoting continual school improvement.  Candidates will examine the relationship between curriculum, assessment, and school improvement initiatives. Using critical thinking and problem-solving skills, candidates will learn to assess learners, examine performance levels, and analyze assessment data to improve practice and meet school improvement goals.

School Leadership, Management, and Finance (4)
This course introduces the basic theories and concepts underlying school building administration with a focus given to cooperative practices and shared decision-making. The course emphasizes the role and responsibility of the principal in organizing, supervising, and budgeting educational funds for program needs at the building level, implementing pupil services, and managing co- curricular programs and activities. Candidates will analyze school-based policies and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff. Emphasis is on understanding, monitoring, and evaluating P-12 school management, operational, and fiscal systems.

Supervision in Education (3) (F)
The role and responsibility of the principal in selecting and supervising personnel at the building level are core content in this course. Leadership theory, change processes, models of evaluation and development programs are examined and analyzed. Major topics in this course include staff selection, orientation, professional development and evaluation. Legal concepts related to the selection and evaluation of personnel are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on developing and supervising the instructional and leadership capacity of personnel in the school community.

Practicum in Supervision (1) (F)
This is a structured, field-based experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school. This practicum requires a minimum of 50 clock hours designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for Standard 1 (Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school and community), Standard 2 (Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth), and Standard 5 (Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner).

Educational Law (3) (S)
Legal rights, duties, and responsibilities of building level leaders are studied in this course. The policies, laws, and regulations enacted by state, local, and federal authorities that affect P-12 schools are examined and candidates analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, fairly and ethically within the school. Special topics in this course include basic constitutional issues related to students and school personnel and identifying and applying legal concepts and theory to special education, student disciplines, student rights, personnel practices, professional negotiations, and other powers, duties and liability concerns of the principal and school system.

Practicum in Legal, Ethical, and Community Issues (1) (S)
This is a structured, field-based experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school. This practicum requires a minimum of 30 clock hours in the candidate’s home school, designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for Standard 2 (Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth), Standard 4 (Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community needs and interests, and mobilizing community resources), Standard 5 (Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner), and Standard 6 (Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context). This final practicum section requires and additional 20 clock hours working with an administrator in a school that is demographically and structurally different than the candidate’s home school.

Partnering With Parents and the Community (3)
This course studies the principal’s role in creating and sustaining school communities that support student growth and development. Candidates will understand the needs and goals of all stakeholders, including the effect poverty, disadvantages, and resources have on P–12 student learning. Candidates will create an action plan that recognizes diversity, family, and student needs, and uses school and community resources to overcome barriers and build strong partnerships with the goal of student learning. Emphasis is on building candidate capacity to build and sustain positive school relationships with families, caregivers, and community partners.

Educational Leadership(3)
This course analyzes the skills necessary for effective leadership in interactions with the school, the school system, and the community. Candidates will acquire knowledge and develop an understanding of the decision making process, creation of an appropriate organizational climate, personal and professional ethics, group facilitation and planning, communication skills, and the appropriate involvement of schools with the communities in which they serve. Emphasis is placed on collaboratively developing, articulating, implementing. and supporting a vision for learning that is shared by all stakeholders.

Practicum in the Principalship (1)
This is a structured, field-based experience in an elementary, middle, or secondary school. This practicum requires a minimum of 50 clock hours designed to assist the candidate in acquiring experience and proficiency as defined by KSDE/ISLLC knowledge and performance indicators for Standard 1 (Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school and community), Standard 2 (Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a building climate and instructional programs conducive to student learning and staff professional growth), Standard 3 (Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment), Standard 4 (Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community needs and interests, and mobilizing community resources), Standard 5 (Acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner), and Standard 6 (Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context).

Special Education Leadership (3)
Candidates will learn about the instructional, legal, educational, social, and emotional needs of students who qualify for services under IDEA to make instructional and resource decisions that promote their rights. Candidates will examine the legal context for supporting special education services in schools; identify instructional support processes and systems that benefit all learners; and examine and identify methods of providing supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive school cultures (KSDE Standard 3). 

Master’s Comprehensive Exams (cr)

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